About Us

Who we are?

Bharat Digital Solutions is the advisor, guide, and facilitator to every entrepreneur looking to start and manage a business in India. We are the first point of contact for startups whom we handhold from the day they start their business and at every step of the way throughout their entrepreneurship journey.

We are a technology-enabled company that facilitates startups and established businesses by helping entrepreneurs with professional services at the most affordable price in the market. Bharat Digital Solutions promotes startup environment wellbeing and allows entrepreneurs to have more liberty in using their capital as per their business needs while saving money on professional services to comply with business laws.

Import Export
Digital Singature
Income Tax and GST Returns
Company Registration and Startup India






24 x 7


Our Vision

Our vision is to be the leading name in assisting new and new-age businesses. We aim to be the mentor we missed at an early age. We ultimately want to provide all kinds of support in setting up the business and new age enterprises, from essential registrations to complex approvals and permits to growth mentorship and marketing assistance.

Our Mission

We are helping businesses in getting essential registrations for import-export and domestic operations. We ensure that you focus on the core aspects while we taking care of the liasioning part with the government and other concerned departments. We help our clients by taking load from their heads to make you concentrate wherever it is required. We maintain the smooth flow of information to keep our clients updated while getting these registrations. We also provide free consultations in respect of the offered services to clear any doubt and issue. Let’s get connected to start on the journey of growth.

Meet Our Experienced
& Skilled Team